

The Highland High School (SLC) Class of 1978

40-year Reunion is August 10-11, 2018


Deadline: July 26th


Please enter your personal information under the "Classmates" Tab and the "Personal Information Tab." 


MEMORY BOOK - We would appreciate it if each classmate, even if you are unable to attend the reunion events, submit your personal information and profile. We would like to keep in touch with everyone. Please include at least one picture. 


Friday, August 10, 2018 - Classmate Meet and Greet

Highland High School Courtyard

6-10 pm

Water will be provided. Please bring a snack to share.

Cost $5*/person  - Pay at the door if not pre-registered!

Please bring a case or large bag of nonperishable food to donate to the Highland High Food Pantry (see "Service Project" tab)


Daytime Events

Thursday, August 9- 3 p.m.Museums - Contact Susan Piele Morgan at susanmorganllc@msn.com or 801-824-2874 (call or text)

Saturday, August 11 - Morning activities (price for each activity determined by activity):
   Golf - Contact Kirk Weiler at kirk.weiler@wexinc.com or 801-913-0761 (call or text)
   Hiking - Contact Lynette Jones Parkin at ljprap@msn.com or 801-450-2902 (call or text)



Saturday Evening, August 11, 2018 - Reunion and Dinner

Willow Creek Country Club, Sandy, Utah

Social Hour 6-7 p.m. (Cash bar available)

7 p.m. Dinner

Cost $55/person


Single? There are a lot of us! Please join us!

Please bring a case or large bag of canned food to donate to the Highland High Food Pantry (see "Service Project" tab) #


If you have questions about the reunion or would like to help out, please contact us at highlandslc1978@gmail.com. Thanks!



*The school charges us for custodial services and we need to buy insurance to host this event

#If you cannot attend the reunion events or prefer to donate to the food pantry with a check, please bring it to the reunion or mail it (payable to Highlabnd High School) to the address listed on the Service Project tab.



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Fax: (954) 241-5054
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